It’s May, friends! This month our theme is COMMUNICATION, with a special focus on Asking For Help!

Let’s dig into the depth of why we do or don’t acknowledge that we need help, actually take the step to ask for it, learn to ask for the right type of help for our specific needs, and also learn how to best help others. There’s a lot here to unpack, and I’m super excited to get into it with you!

Our self-discovery questions this month are: When do I deny help for myself? What kind of help is the most useful for me? How can I teach others the best ways to help me? How can I learn to best help the people around me?


  • Our meeting is on May 27th from 12-2pm CT. Zoom will be open from 11:45am CT so you can come early to get set up, chat, and hang out so we can start right on time.

  • This month you’ll need something to write with and on. No one else will see it unless you choose to share with the them. Other than that, just bring a comforting drink and/or snack, some cozy clothes, and yourself!

  • Our Social Hangouts are:

    • Weeknight hangout: Every 3rd Monday from 7pm-8pm CT

      Weekend hangout: Every 2nd Saturday from 12:30-1:30pm CT

      The zoom link will always be the same! It's If you are prompted to enter a password, use radical.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 883 8405 2599

Passcode: 287510