Happy New Year everyone!

We’re kicking off the Self Care Explorers Club with our first theme, video, and call. I’m really excited to dig into everything with y’all, so let’s get to it!

Our theme this month is the new year and thinking about how we want it to be. Have you chosen an intention, word of the year, or set any goals? It’s ok if you haven’t done that yet- we’ll be talking all about it at our call on the 28th.

If you haven’t thought about any of that yet, now is a great time to start. It doesn’t have to be anything huge or set in stone. Just be thinking about what you want and need out of this next year. How do you want to feel? What’s been working for you? What might need to be released so you can move forward feeling your best and living the life you want?


  • Our meeting is on January 28th from 12-2pm CT. Zoom will be open from 11:45am CT so you can come early to get set up, chat, and hang out so we can start right on time.

  • For this first meeting, please bring something to add to our virtual group altar space. This can be literally anything! Think about something that represents you, your intention or word of the year if you have one, or that feels important and you’d like to share. This could be a photo, figurine, book, note, plant, or anything else you think of. No limits! We’ll each take a moment to show the group and “place it on the altar”, at least virtually. This shared altar space is a nice way to start our year together off with intention and will help us to get to know each other.

  • Other than that, just bring a comforting drink and/or snack, some cozy clothes, and yourself! This first call will largely be about meeting each other, setting the group’s shared guidelines, and launching into the discussion about intentions, self care needs, and how we’re doing…really.

  • Our Social Hangouts are:

    • Weeknight hangout: Every 3rd Monday from 7pm-8pm CT

      Weekend hangout: Every 2nd Saturday from 12:30-1:30pm CT

      The zoom link will always be the same! It's https://us04web.zoom.us/j/3478941957. If you are prompted to enter a password, use radical.


Time: Jan 28, 2023 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 816 7137 8129

Passcode: 729887